Small-seeded Hakea species tolerate cotyledon loss better than large-seeded congeners
Journal ArticleSix Hakea species varying greatly in seed size were selected for cotyledon damage experiments. The
growth of seedlings with cotyledons partially or completely removed was monitored over 90 days. All
seedlings perished by the fifth week when both cotyledons were removed irrespective of seed size.
Partial removal of cotyledons caused a significant delay in the emergence of the first leaf, and reduction
in root and shoot growth of the large-seeded species. The growth of seedlings of small-seeded species
was less impacted by cotyledon damage. The rate of survival, root and shoot lengths and dry biomass
of the seedlings were determined after 90 days. When seedlings were treated with balanced nutrient
solutions following removal of the cotyledons, survival was 95–98%, but 0% when supplied with
nutrient solutions lacking N or P or with water only. The addition of a balanced nutrient solution failed
to restore complete growth of any species, but the rate of root elongation for the small-seeded species
was maintained. Cotyledons provide nutrients to support early growth of Hakea seedlings, but other
physiological roles for the cotyledons are also implicated. In conclusion, small-seeded Hakea species can
tolerate cotyledons loss better than large-seeded species.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Byron B. Lamont, Tianhua He, (01-2017), استراليا: Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 1-9
Seed Size, Fecundity and Postfire Regeneration Strategy Are Interdependent in Hakea
Journal ArticleSeed size is a key functional trait that affects plant fitness at the seedling stage and may
vary greatly with species fruit size, growth form and fecundity. Using structural equation
modelling (SEM) and correlated trait evolution analysis, we investigated the interaction network
between seed size and fecundity, postfire regeneration strategy, fruit size, plant height
and serotiny (on-plant seed storage) among 82 species of the woody shrub genus, Hakea,
with a wide spectrum of seed sizes (2–500 mg). Seed size is negatively correlated with fecundity,
while fire-killed species (nonsprouters) produce more seeds than resprouters
though they are of similar size. Seed size is unrelated to plant height and level of serotiny
while it scales allometrically with fruit size. A strong phylogenetic signal in seed size revealed
phylogenetic constraints on seed size variation in Hakea. Our analyses suggest a
causal relationship between seed size, fecundity and postfire regeneration strategy in
Hakea. These results demonstrate that fruit size, fecundity and evolutionary history have
had most control over seed size variation among Hakea species.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, (06-2015), UNITED STATES: journal.pone, 1 (1371), 1-12
تصنيف النباتات المذكورة بالقران الكريم
مقال في مؤتمر علميتم تصنيف الانواع النباتية التي تم دكرها في القران الكريم
شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، (09-2009)، ليبيا: المؤثمر الثالث للعلوم الانسنية، 19-22
حصر النباتات الزهرية بالجزء الشمالي من غريان
مقال في مجلة علميةتم حصر 375 ننوع نباتي ، وإضافة خمسة انواع نباتات للفلورا النباتية، كما تم تحديد النباتات الطبية ، الرعوية و النادرة بالمنطقة
شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، (01-2008)، طرابلس: المجلة الليبية للعلوم، 16 (1)، 196-213
Three plant species are new recored form Libya
Journal Articleتمت إضافة ثلاثة أنواع نباتية للفلورا الليبية هي Ruta montana + Pimpinella cretica + plantago bellardii
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, (02-2007), المانيا: Med-checklist Notulae, Willdenwia, 1 (37), 16-18
Two plant species are new recored form Libya
Journal Articleتمت إضافة ثلاثة أنواع نباتية للفلورا الليبية هي Lactuca saligna + Sanguisorba minor
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, (04-2006), المانيا: Med-checklist Notulae, Willdenwia, 1 (36), 12-15